Can Corporations Have (Moral) Responsibility Regarding Climate Change Mitigation?

Author: Säde Hormio Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Climate change implications for disaster risk management in Japan: A case study on perceptions of risk management personnel and communities in Saijo city

Authors: S. V.R.K. Prabhakar , Yuuki Iwata , Rajib Shaw , Julia Soulakova , Yukiko Takeuchi & Takuji Kunita Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Induced Flood Adaptation in Nepal

Authors: Rohini Devkota, Tek Marasini, Geoff Cockfield, Laxmi P. Devkota Publisher: Common Ground
Adaptation to climate change through agricultural paradigm shift

Authors: Vahid Karimi, Ezatollah Karami, hobeir Karami, Marzieh Keshavarz Publisher: Springer Nature B.V.
Detecting local environmental change: the role of experience in shaping risk judgements about global warming

Authors: Jennifer R. Marlon, Sander van der Linden, Peter D. Howe, Anthony Leiserowitz, S. H. Lucia Woo & Kenneth Broad Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Climate Prediction and Monitoring for Tunisia

Author: Maher Ben Mansour Publisher: NOAA, NCEP
UNEP and EbA – Briefing Note 7

Publisher: UNEP
Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into National Adaptation Plans

Publisher: UNEP
Developing the Economic Case for EbA – Briefing Note 5

Publisher: UNEP
Selecting complementary adaptation measures

Publisher: UNEP