An In-depth Look at the United Kingdom Integrated Permitting System: Exploring Global Environmental Protection Perspectives

Publisher: NCEI
Design and Disaster Resilience: Toward a Role for Design in Disaster Mitigation and Recovery

Authors: Esther Charlesworth and John Fien Publisher: MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Bioeconomy – Spatial Requirements for Sustainable Development

Authors: Franz Grossauer and Gernot Stoeglehner Publisher: MDPI
Bridging the praxis of hazards and development with resilience: A case study of an engineering education program

Authors: Santina Contreras, Skye Niles, Shawhin Roudbari, Jill Harrison, Jessica Kaminsky Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Sea level rise and coastal flooding threaten affordable housing

Authors: Maya K Buchanan, Scott Kulp, Lara Cushing, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Todd Nedwick and Benjamin Strauss Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Can Corporations Have (Moral) Responsibility Regarding Climate Change Mitigation?

Author: Säde Hormio Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Can information improve rural governance and service delivery?

Authors: Katrina Kosec, Leonard Wantchekon Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Catastrophic tailings dam failures and disaster risk disclosure

Authors: J.R. Owen, D. Kemp, E. Lebre, K. Svobodova, G. Perez Murillo Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Causes and Effects of Forest Fires in Tropical Rainforests: A Bibliometric Approach

Authors: S. M. Juarez-Orozco, C. Siebe and D. Fernandez y Fernandez Publisher: SAGE
Challenges and opportunities for pre-crisis emergency risk communication: lessons learned from the earthquake community

Authors: Emina Herovic, Timothy L. Sellnow & Deanna D. Sellnow Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group