Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin, Greater Impact: How Disasters Affect People of Low Socioeconomic Status

Publisher: SAMHSA
Governance in Disaster Risk Management

Publisher: IRDR
Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters: Risk Preparedness and the Limits of Prevention

Publisher: ICOMOS
An Overview of Disaster Resilience

Author: Gülhan ŞEN Publisher: Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life
Disaster resilient vernacular housing technology in Nepal

Authors: Dipendra Gautam , Jyoti Prajapati, Kuh Valencia Paterno, Krishna Kumar Bhetwal and Pramod Neupane Publisher: Gautam et al
Forest Fires and Climate Change in the 21st Century

Authors: M.D. Flannigan, B.D. Amiro, K.A. Logan, B.J. Stocks, And B.M. Wotton Publisher: Springer
Floods, health and climate change: a strategic review

Authors: Roger Few, Mike Ahern, Franziska Matthies and Sari Kovats Publisher: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Indigenous Institutions and Their Role in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience: Evidence from the 2009 Tsunami in American Samoa

Authors: Dolores Foley, Andrew Rumbach Publisher: Research Gate
Environmental Report 2019: Toward the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050

Publisher: Environmental Affairs Division
Environmental Protection & Disaster Risk Reduction: A School’s Guide

Publisher: UN/ISDR