Environmental Report 2019: Toward the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050

Publisher: Environmental Affairs Division
Environmental Protection & Disaster Risk Reduction: A School’s Guide

Publisher: UN/ISDR
Environmental Protection & Disaster Risk Reduction: A Community Leader’s Guide

Publisher: UNEP/ UN/ISDR
Environmental impact of the textile and clothing industry: What consumers need to know

Author: Nikolina Šajn Publisher: European Parliamentary Research Service
Indicators and targets for the reduction of the environmental impact of EU consumption: Methodology for 2020 targets based on environmental impact indicators

Year: 2014 Authors: Serenella Sala, Lorenzo Benini, Jo Dewulf Publisher: European Commission
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Supplementary Lender’s Information Package (SLIP) Dundee Precious Metals Ada Tepe Deposit Krumovgrad Gold Project, Bulgaria

Publisher: amec
Emergence And Development of Civil-Military Cooperation

Author: Grigor GRIGOROV Publisher: DE Gruyter
A Global Outlook on Disaster Science

Publisher: Elsevier
EFDRR Survey on Sendai Framework Implementation in Europe 2017

Publisher: UNISDR
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe: Enhancing coherence of the knowledge base, policies and practices

Publisher: European Environment Agency