Classification of tsunami deaths by modifying ICD-10 categories in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami
Authors: Shuji Seto, Fumihiko Imamura Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in post-earthquake Nepal: lessons from the field
Authors: Kay Standing, Sara Parker & Sapana Bista Publisher: Oxfam GB
Strengthening Flood Risk Management Policy and Practice in the People’s Republic of China: Lessons Learned from the 2016 Yangtze River Floods
Author: Rabindra P. Osti Publisher: Asian Development Bank
Crucibles of hazard: Mega-cities and disasters in transition
Author: James K. Mitchell Publisher: United Nations University Press
Managing supply chain disruptions: International arrangements and firm strategies for the future of industrialization in a post-pandemic world
Authors: Masahiko Haraguchi, Wenyuan She Publisher: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Governance, technology and citizen behavior in pandemic: Lessons from COVID-19 in East Asia
Authors: Rajib Shaw, Yong-kyun Kim, Jinling Hua Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
After the tsunami: Rapid Environmental Assessment
Publisher: UNEP
BIM-based Virtual Permitting Framework (VPF) for post-disaster recovery and rebuilding in the state of Florida
Authors: Mouloud Messaoudi , Nawari O. Nawari Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Disaster Prevention for Schools Guidance for Education Sector Decision-Makers
Author: Marla Petal Publisher: UNISDR Geneva Year: November 2008
“Learning to live with Floods: Natural Hazards and Disasters”
Publisher: Department of Institutional Development National Institute of Education