Countering Disasters, Targeting Vulnerability

Publisher: ISDR
Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan

Author: Kaori Kitagawa Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction through Preparedness: Concept Paper

Publisher: OCHA
Community response in disasters: an ecological learning framework

Authors: John Preston, Charlotte Chadderton, Kaori Kitagawa & Casey Edmonds Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Community Disaster Preparedness Guide

Author: Robert N. Harewood, Sharleen DaBreo & Zebalon McLean Publisher: ScripJ Printing
Exposure, Vulnerability, and Ability to Respond to Floods

Author: Archana Patankar Publisher: World Bank Group
Evidence for the value of health promotion interventions in natural disaster management

Authors: Suzanne F. Jackson, Nadia Fazal, Geneviève Gravel, and Heather Papowitz Publisher: Oxford University Pres
Applying Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-Drr) Through A Ridge-To-Reef Approach

Publisher: UNEP
Experimental Use of Participatory 3-Dimensional Models In Island Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

Authors: Emmanuel A. Maceda, Jean-Christophe Gaillard , Elodie Stasiak, Virginie Le Masson , Iwan Le Berre
Guide to Developing Disaster Recovery Frameworks

Publisher: GFDRR