Chair’s Summary: From Commitment to Action

Publisher: UNDRR
Chapter 07: Risk management and decision-making in relation to sustainable development

Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems Authors: Hurlbert, M., J. Krishnaswamy, E. Davin, F.X. Johnson, C.F. Mena, J. Morton, S. Myeong, D. Viner, K. Warner, A. Wreford, S. Zakieldeen, Z. Zommers Publisher: IPCC
Capacity Assessment Report of the National Disaster Risk Management System in Namibia

Publisher: United Nations
Operational Plan for Integrated Disaster Risk Management 2014–2020

Publisher: Asian Development Bank
Integrated flood management tools series: coastal and delta flood management

Publisher: World Meteorological Organization
Informe Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre los (5 de noviembre) Tsunami

Publisher: UNDRR
Improving The Assessment Of Disaster Risks To Strengthen Financial Resilience

Publisher: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development
Impacts of Disasters in Sri Lanka 2016

Publisher: The Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies
Disaster management and risk reduction: strategy and coordination

Publisher: IFRDRCS
Holistic Disaster Recovery Ideas for Building Local Sustainability After A Natural Disaster

Publisher: Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center University of Colorado