Disaster Risk Reduction

Publisher: Disaster Management Center University of Wisconsin-Madison
Land Use, Disaster Risk and Rewards: A School’s Guide September 2004

Publisher: UN/ISDR Africa
Handbook for RCs and HCs on Emergency Preparedness and Response

Publisher: IASC
World Handbook on Disaster Management Experience Beginners

Publisher: ICHARM
Handbook of Tsunami Evacuation Planning

Authors: S. Scheer, A. Gardi, R. Guillande, G. Eftichidis, V. Varela, B. de Vanssay, L. Colbeau-Justin Publisher: European Union
Management of Safety Centres Amidst COVID-19

Publisher: DMC Sri Lanka, DPDR Sri Lanka, UNFPA, IOM, UNICEF English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wRhaVrwI8Q1g1mogBXp5Sr2w0w7sKAd/view?usp=share_link Sinhala: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1po7hfON1lHS_jhv4E5kETu_VTELRWs-c/view?usp=share_link Tamil: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MpJt7_AL6zSPge2Kb4E2eOMHBWPAUNfN/view?usp=share_link
Business Guide Hurricane Matthew Flash Appeal for Haiti

Publisher: OCHA
Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery

Publisher: LSDR, The World Bank, INEE
Guidance Note for Search and Rescue (SAR) Missions for COVID-19 Patients and Contacts in Disaster Affected Communities

Publisher: Disaster Management Center, Ministry of Defense & Ministry of Health Sri Lanka
Guidance on Emergency Response Planning: Lessons from the PDRF Experience

Publisher: CBi, PDRF