A modified ant colony optimization algorithm to increase the speed of the road network recovery process after disasters
Authors: Rostislav Vodáka, Michal Bíl, Zuzana Křivánková Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Analysis of medical rescue strategies based on a rough set and genetic algorithm: A disaster classification perspective
Authors: Tanshi Li, Zhuyi Li, Wei Zhao, Xueyan Li, Xin Zhu, Shuxiao Pan, Cong Feng, Yuzhuo Zhao, Lijing Jia, Jing Li Publisher: 9 Elsevier Ltd
A resilience matrix approach for measuring and mitigating disaster-induced population displacement
Authors: Krista Rand, Margaret Kurth, Cody H. Fleming, Igor Linkov Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions
Authors: Mohammad Aminur Rahman Shah, Fabrice G. Renaud a, Carl C. Anderson, Annie Wild, Alessio Domeneghetti, Annemarie Polderman, Athanasios Votsis, Beatrice Pulvirenti e, Bidroha Basu, Craig Thomson, Depy Panga, Eija Pouta, Elena Toth, Francesco Pilla, Jeetendra Sahani, Joy Ommer, Juliane El Zohbi, Karen Munro, Maria Stefanopoulou, Michael Loupis, Nikos Pangas, Prashant Kumarj, Sisay Debele, Swantje […]
The Role of Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction
Author: Juergen Weichselgartner, Patrick Pigeon Publications: Springer
Benefits, barriers, and incentives for improved resilience to disruption in university teaching
Author: Jacqueline Dohaney, Mairead de Roisteb, Rhian A. Salmon, Kathryn Sutherland Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Building Private Sector Resilience: Directions After the 2015 Sendai Framework
Authors: Masahiko Haraguchi, Upmanu Lall and Kenji Watanabe
Citizen Response to Disasters: a Survey of Literature and Some Practical Implications1
Authors: Helslootn and A. Ruitenberg Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Eco-DRR project fact sheet: Sudan
Publishers: United Nations Environment Programme and the European Commission
Eco-DRR Project Fact Sheet: Afghanistan
Publishers: United Nations Environment Programme and the European Commission