Asian Development Outlook 2019: Strengthening Disaster Resilience
Publisher: Asian Development
Bridging Science and Practice in Disaster Risk Management: Towards Community Resilience- ASEAN Capacity Building Forum on Risk Assessment
Publisher: Asean
Indicators on Urban Water Resilience – Where are we at?
Publisher: IWA
Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
Publisher: ISDR
Companies and Climate Resilience: Mobilizing the power of the private sector to address climate risks
Authors: Edward Cameron, Julie Arrighi, Fleur Monasso, Pablo Suarez, Eddie Jjemba and Carina Bachofen Publisher: Climate Centre
Community Water Management and Agricultural Extension Services: Effects, Impacts and Perceptions in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
Authors: Marie-Charlotte Buisson, Panchali Saikia and Shourav Maitra Publisher: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Community response in disasters: an ecological learning framework
Authors: John Preston, Charlotte Chadderton, Kaori Kitagawa & Casey Edmonds Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Community Resilience: Toward an Integrated Approach
Authors: Fikret Berkes & Helen Ross Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Community Disaster Preparedness Guide
Author: Robert N. Harewood, Sharleen DaBreo & Zebalon McLean Publisher: ScripJ Printing
Exposure, Vulnerability, and Ability to Respond to Floods
Author: Archana Patankar Publisher: World Bank Group