Integrating Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction at the Local Level in the Context of Spatially Enabled Government

Authors: Heri Sutanta, Abbas Rajabifard, Ian D Bishop Publisher: Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne
Involving citizens in sharing disaster experiences across areas: An investigation into disaster-stricken communities and observing communities

Authors: Takaaki Kato, Aiko Endo Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Experimental Use of Participatory 3-Dimensional Models In Island Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

Authors: Emmanuel A. Maceda, Jean-Christophe Gaillard , Elodie Stasiak, Virginie Le Masson , Iwan Le Berre
Disability Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Management
Author: Claire O’Mear Year: October 2012 Publisher: Handicap International