Increasing Climate Change Resilience of Urban Water Infrastructure: Based on a Case Study from Wuhan City, People’s Republic of China
Publisher: Asian Development Bank
Companies and Climate Resilience: Mobilizing the power of the private sector to address climate risks
Authors: Edward Cameron, Julie Arrighi, Fleur Monasso, Pablo Suarez, Eddie Jjemba and Carina Bachofen Publisher: Climate Centre
Cost – Efficient Climate Change Adaptation in The North Atlantic
Authors: Judd Schechtman, Michael Brady,
Coping With Climate Change And Variability: Lessons From Sri Lankan Communities
Publisher: UNDP Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Programme (UNDP, GEF/SGP)
Out of the blue – The value of seagrasses to the environment and to people
Publisher: UNEP
Climate change, clean technology and green growth opportunities in Africa
Publisher: UNEP
Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
Authors: Sarah L Hemstock, Leigh-Ann Buliruarua, Emily YY, Chan, Gloria Chan, Helene Jacot Des Combes, Peter Davey, Paul Farrell, Sian Griffiths Henning, Hansen, Tim Hatch, Ailsa Holloway, Teuleala, Manuella-Morris, Tess Martin, Fabrice G. Renaud, Kevin Ronan, Benjamin Ryan, Joerg Szarzynski, Duncan Shaw, Soichiro Yasukawa, Tiffany Yeung,Virginia Murray Publisher: Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies
From the Mountains to the Plains: Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Koshi River Basin
Authors: Luna Bharati, Utsav Bhattarai, Ambika Khadka, Pabitra Gurung, Luis E. Neumann, David J. Penton, Sanita Dhaubanjar and Santosh Nepal Publisher: International Water Management Institute
Forest Fires and Climate Change in the 21st Century
Authors: M.D. Flannigan, B.D. Amiro, K.A. Logan, B.J. Stocks, And B.M. Wotton Publisher: Springer
Floods, health and climate change: a strategic review
Authors: Roger Few, Mike Ahern, Franziska Matthies and Sari Kovats Publisher: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research