Environmental Impact Assessment: Elucidating Policy-Planning for Natural Disaster Management
Authors : Anil Kumar Gupta, Sreeja S Nair Publisher : National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow: Chapter 4: Snow
Authors: Roger G. Barry, Richard Armstrong, Terry Callaghan, Jessie Cherry, Shari Gearheard, Anne Nolin, Don Russell, Christoph Zöckler Publisher : UNEP
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow: Chapter 3: Why are Ice and Snow Changing?
Authors : James E. Overland, John E. Walsh, Muyin Wang Publisher : UNEP
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow: Chapter 1: Highlights
Publisher : UNEP
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow: Chapter 2: Why are Ice and Snow Important to Us?
Publisher : UNEP Author : James E. Overland
Introduction to Environmental Geology: Introduction to Natural Hazards
Publisher : Pearson Education, Inc Author : Edward A. Keller
Chapter 19 – Education In Disaster Risk Reduction
Author : Marla Petal Publisher : Universities Press (India) Private Limited
Chapter 6 – Defining child poverty in South Africa using the socially perceived
Publisher : Bristol University Press, Policy Press Authors : Helen Barnes and Gemma Wright
Chapter 2 – Child rights, child survival and child poverty: the debate
Publisher : Bristol University Press, Policy Press
Chapter 3 – Institutional Setup For Disaster Response In India
Publisher : Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs Govt. of India