Leveraging climate finance for gender equality and poverty reduction – A comparative study

CBi Inter-Network Learning Visit Pacific Networks Visit To The Philippines Manila/ Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines

Engaging companies in manmade disasters – a guidance toolkit for private sector networks, Case study: CBi Türkiye

Engaging companies in manmade disasters – a guidance toolkit for private sector networks, Case study: Humanitarian Private Sector Partnership Platform for East Africa (HPPP)

Integrating conflict sensitivity in private sector disaster management :Lessons from the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation

Case Study: Learning From Failure To Accelerate Success In Resilience-Building Initiatives

Rising from the ashes: Development strategies in time of disaster- Chapter 13 Kordofan Agroextention Extension Project

Case Study: Water and Ice

Case Studies National Leadership Awards: Non-Governmental Leadership For Disaster Resilience

Queensland Tourism Climate Change Response Plan: Building a resilient tourism industry: Case studies